package edu.vt.marian.Document; import*; import*; import java.util.*; import edu.vt.marian.common.*; /** A fixed field in us marc record. User can assume a fix field is composed of an integer id and a string data. @author Jianxin Zhao ( @author Robert France ( */ public class MarcFixField { /** the id of this field */ private int id; /** the data of this field */ private String data; /** just used for debugging */ Debug debug; /** Device for mapping ANSEL (and some ASCII) characters to XML entities. */ protected EntityMap xmlMap; /** Create a MarcFixField object with no data. @param id --- this will be the id of this object @param debug -- used for debugging */ public MarcFixField(int fieldID, EntityMap xMap, Debug d) { debug = d; xmlMap = xMap; id = fieldID; } /** Create a MarcFixField object from the parameters id and data . @param fieldID -- the MARC field id of this object @param dataStr -- the data of this object, ASSUMED to be in ASCII/ANSEL encoding. @param debug -- used for debugging */ public MarcFixField(int fieldID, String dataStr, EntityMap xMap, Debug d) { debug = d; xmlMap = xMap; data = dataStr; id = fieldID; } /** Instantiate this object from an XML stream. @param in -- a BufferedReader (String or InputStream, presumably) from which to read the field in OAI MARC XML format. @return OK -- everything jake.
IO_ERROR or PARSE_ERROR -- problems.

NOTE: Expects opening tag to already be read; eats closing tag. */ public int setFromXml(BufferedReader in) { try { data = xmlMap.getStringFromEntityReader(in); } catch( Exception e ) { debug.dumpTrace("MarcFixField.setFromXml(): input problem in middle of field."); return( ReturnCodes.IO_ERROR ); } if ( ( (data.charAt(0) == '\'') && (data.charAt(data.length()-1) == '\'') ) || ( (data.charAt(0) == '"') && (data.charAt(data.length()-1) == '"') ) ) { // Expected case: data quoted to preserve embedded spaces. data = data.substring(1, data.length()-1); } // Accept the last tag and check that it is "". StringBuffer charBuf = new StringBuffer(); int i; try { while ( true ) { i =; if ( i == -1 ) { debug.dumpTrace("MarcFixField.setFromXml(): EOF in middle of field."); return( ReturnCodes.IO_ERROR ); } else if ( i == '>' ) break; else charBuf.append((char) i); } } catch( Exception e ) { debug.dumpTrace("MarcFixField.setFromXml(): input problem in middle of field."); return( ReturnCodes.IO_ERROR ); } String charStr = new String(charBuf); if ( ! "/fixfield".equals(charStr) ) { debug.dumpTrace("MarcFixField.setFromXml(): tag in field other than : <" + charBuf + ">."); return( ReturnCodes.IO_ERROR ); } return( ReturnCodes.OK ); } /** Send this field to an output stream in the form of OAI XML. @param out -- a BufferedWriter (String or InputStream, presumably) to which to write the next record in OAI MARC XML format. @return OK -- everything jake.
INVALID_INPUT or PARSE_ERROR -- problems. */ public int presentAsXml(BufferedWriter out) throws IOException { out.write("\""); xmlMap.mapStringToEntities(data, out); // Note: field string is always ASCII, out.write("\""); // not ANSEL, and includes no '<' return( ReturnCodes.OK ); // chars, so no translation needed. } /** Return the id of this object. @return the id of this object as an integer */ public int getID() { return id; } /** Return the field string itself. @return the data of this object as a string */ public String getData() { return data; } }