package edu.vt.marian.Document; import*; import*; import java.util.*; import edu.vt.marian.common.*; import edu.vt.marian.Document.SOIFException; import gnu.regexp.*; //import edu.vt.marian.common.*; import*; import org.xml.sax.Parser; import org.xml.sax.DocumentHandler; import org.xml.sax.helpers.ParserFactory; import*; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; /** * A set of data encapsulated in a SOIF */ public class OAMSDocument implements Document { /** this string contains all the information of this document the format of the string is in SGML */ private String OAMSString = null; /** * Property list for the OAMS */ //private Hashtable attributeValues; static final String parserClass = "com.jclark.xml.sax.Driver"; /** * Allows us to pull things out of the property list in the order they * were inserted. */ public String title; public String fullID; public String author; public String organization; public String Abstract; public String subject; public String displayID; private Vector keyList; /** * Common delimitter that separates SOIF attributes and values */ static final String soifDelimitter = ":: "; Debug debug; /** Build a new SOIF object */ public OAMSDocument(Debug debug) { this.debug = debug; //attributeValues = new Hashtable(); keyList = new Vector(); } /** * Build a new SOIF object from an input stream * @param soifInput input stream from which the SOIF should be built. */ public OAMSDocument(String OAMSInput, Debug debug) { this(debug); OAMSString = OAMSInput; System.out.println(OAMSString); ParseOAMSBody(); } /** * Parse the body of the SOIF extracting the attribute/value pairs * @param body the body to parse */ public void ParseOAMSBody() { try{ //InputStreamReader in = new InputStreamReader(new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(OAMSString.getBytes()))); StringReader in = new StringReader(OAMSString); Parser parser = ParserFactory.makeParser(parserClass); DocumentHandler handler = new OAiHandler(); parser.setDocumentHandler(handler); parser.parse(new InputSource(in)); author =; title = OAiHandler.title(); subject = OAiHandler.subject(); displayID = OAiHandler.displayID(); Abstract = OAiHandler.Abstract(); } catch (Exception e) {}; } /** Return a short description (probably only one sentence) of the document this represents. @param markupType -- specifies the charater set type need to be returned @return the short description of this object as a string */ public String presentShort(int markupType) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter( sw ); int Err; try { if ( (Err = presentShort(markupType, out)) != ReturnCodes.OK ) return( null ); out.flush(); } catch( Exception e ) { return( null ); } return(sw.toString()); } public int presentShort(int markupType, BufferedWriter out) throws IOException { int Err; String AttributeValue,AUTHOR, TITLE; String shortPresentation; shortPresentation = ""; AUTHOR= null; TITLE = null; switch ( markupType ) { default: // only ASCII and XML are supported now. ASCII produces the sort // of single-line description used in results lists. XML produces // an OAMS description of the document. debug.dumpTrace("MarcDocument.presentShort(): unsupported markup type: using ASCII."); // FALL THROUGH: case DigInfObj.ASCII: boolean seenAuthor = false; if(author != null) { seenAuthor = true; shortPresentation = shortPresentation + author; } //Main title if(title!=null) { if (seenAuthor) { // add separator shortPresentation = shortPresentation + ", "; } shortPresentation = shortPresentation + title; } shortPresentation = shortPresentation + "\n"; out.write(shortPresentation); } // end -- switch return( ReturnCodes.OK ); } public String presentLong(int markupType) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter( sw ); int Err; try { if ( (Err = presentLong(markupType, out)) != ReturnCodes.OK ) return( null ); out.flush(); } catch( Exception e ) { return( null ); } return(sw.toString()); } public int presentLong(int markupType, BufferedWriter out) throws IOException { String lineBreak="";; String paraBreak; int Err; String AttributeValue; String presentLong = null; switch ( markupType ) { case DigInfObj.HTML: lineBreak = new String("
\n"); paraBreak = new String("

\n"); //System.out.println("ENTREI AQUI"); // out.write("Call Number: "); break; default: debug.dumpTrace("MarcDocument.presentLong(): unsupported markup type: using ASCII."); // FALL THROUGH. break; case DigInfObj.ASCII: case DigInfObj.ANSEL: lineBreak = System.getProperty("line.separator"); paraBreak = new String(System.getProperty("line.separator") + System.getProperty("line.separator")); break; } // out.write(fullID); //out.write(paraBreak); //out.write(lineBreak); if(title != null){ out.write(title); out.write(lineBreak); out.write(lineBreak); } if (author !=null) { out.write(author); out.write(lineBreak); out.write(lineBreak); } if (Abstract !=null) { out.write(Abstract); out.write(lineBreak); out.write(lineBreak); } if (displayID !=null) { out.write("" + displayID + ""); out.write(lineBreak); out.write(lineBreak); } //this.presentShort(markupType, out); //presentLong= OAMSString; //out.write(presentLong); return( ReturnCodes.OK ); } public boolean isValid() { return( true ); } public DigInfObj copy() { return null; } public String presentFull(int markupType) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter( sw ); int Err; try { if ( (Err = presentFull(markupType, out)) != ReturnCodes.OK ) return( null ); out.flush(); } catch( Exception e ) { return( null ); } return(sw.toString()); } public Vector attributes() { return null; } public Vector attributes(int markupType) { return null; } public Vector presentAttributes(int markupType) { return null; } public Object presentAttribute(int attrID, int markupType) { return null; } public int presentFull(int markupType, BufferedWriter out) throws IOException { return( ReturnCodes.NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED ); } }