package edu.vt.marian.Document; import*; import*; import java.util.*; import edu.vt.marian.common.*; /** Sort of the natural solution to the interface: a Document that can do all and only the interface methods with the minimum of overhead. @author Robert France */ public class SimpleDocument extends FullID implements Document { private String shortDesc = null; private String longDesc = null; private String fullDesc = null; /** This document has no analyzable parts. */ private static Vector attributes = new Vector(); /** Create a SimpleDocument object. @param shDesc short description. @param lgDesc long description. @param flDesc full description. */ public SimpleDocument(Debug dbg, String shDesc, String lgDesc, String flDesc) { super(dbg); if (shDesc == null) shortDesc = new String(); else shortDesc = new String(shDesc); longDesc = new String(lgDesc); fullDesc = new String(flDesc); } /** Create a SimpleDocument object from just a short and a long description. @param shDesc short description. @param lgDesc long description. */ public SimpleDocument(Debug dbg, String shDesc, String lgDesc) { super(dbg); if (shDesc == null) shortDesc = new String(); else shortDesc = new String(shDesc); longDesc = new String(lgDesc); fullDesc = longDesc; } /** Create a SimpleDocument object. @param shDesc short description. */ public SimpleDocument(Debug dbg, String shDesc) { super(dbg); if (shDesc == null) shortDesc = new String(); else shortDesc = new String(shDesc); longDesc = shortDesc; fullDesc = shortDesc; } /** Create a null SimpleDocument object. */ public SimpleDocument(Debug dbg) { super(dbg); shortDesc = new String(); longDesc = shortDesc; fullDesc = shortDesc; } /** Is this object ready to rock? Yes. */ public boolean isValid() { return( true ); } /** An attempt to get around declaring public clone() methods. */ public DigInfObj copy() { return( (DigInfObj) new SimpleDocument(debug, shortDesc, longDesc, fullDesc) ); } /** return the short description of this document in one line. @param markupType how to mark up the string returned (e.g., HTML or ASCII). @return the short description String. */ public String presentShort(int markupType) { return shortDesc; } public int presentShort(int markupType, BufferedWriter out) throws IOException { out.write(shortDesc); return( ReturnCodes.OK ); } /** return the long description of this document. @param markupType how to mark up the string returned (e.g., HTML or ASCII). @return a (potentially very long) String. */ public String presentLong(int markupType) { return( longDesc ); } public int presentLong(int markupType, BufferedWriter out) throws IOException { out.write(longDesc); return( ReturnCodes.OK ); } /** return the full description of this document. @param markupType how to mark up the string returned (e.g., HTML or ASCII). @return a (potentially very long) String. */ public String presentFull(int markupType) { return( fullDesc ); } public int presentFull(int markupType, BufferedWriter out) throws IOException { out.write(fullDesc); return( ReturnCodes.OK ); } /** return a Vector of metadata attributes for this document. @param markupType how to mark up the string returned (e.g., HTML or ASCII). @return a Vector of triples [attrName, attrType, attrValue]. */ public Vector presentAttributes(int markupType) { return attributes; } /** Return an Object (almost certainly a String) in some markupType for the given attribute. @param markupType how to mark up the string returned (e.g., HTML or ASCII). @return a Vector of triples [attrName, attrType, attrValue]. */ public Object presentAttribute(int attrID, int markupType) { return null; } /** return a Vector of metadata attributes for this document. @param markupType how to mark up the string returned (e.g., HTML or ASCII). @return a Vector of triples [attrName, attrType, attrValue]. */ public Vector attributes() { return attributes; } }