package edu.vt.marian.common; import*; import*; import java.util.*; import edu.vt.marian.uip.rpc_function; /** * A Information Description is a description of a digital information object * in context. In MARIAN representation terms, we will understand this * as a node within a web of links. *

* Specifically, an InfoDesc is composed of a node description plus any number * of link descriptions. For the purposes of Java, we are declaring * both node and link descriptions to be of class Object, so that * several disparate types of descriptions can be accomodated. Only * certain kinds of Objects will actually do in either case, whence the * if-else if-else statements in setNodeDesc() and addLinkDesc(). These * statements are deliberately designed to be extensible, so that other * description types can be added in future. *

* The function of a node description is to describe a (subset) of nodes within * some class. Any class of nodes can define one or more matching * functions. In addition, all node classes support match by classID, * (including subclass ID) and by exact FullID. Most also support match * by exact object. Any further match is to be specified by an * encoded function, which the class manager will apply to its collection * of instances. *

* At the moment, we are only allowing a link description to consist of an exact * description of a single link. Future implementations may allow link * variables and link operators. A single link is fully described by * specifying its type and describing the nodes at source end and sink * end. In the current context, we know the description of the node at * one end (the "target" end): that is the node described in the node * portion of this InfoDesc. The node at the other end (the "key" end) * is described by a further InfoDesc. Thus each member of the linkDesc * Vector is composed of three elements: *

* * @author Robert France. * @see LinkDesc * @see ClassManager */ public class InfoDesc { /** Just for debugging */ protected Debug debug; /* Node description. */ protected Object nodeDesc; /* Link descriptions. */ protected Vector linkDescs; /** return values for methods of this class */ public final static int OK = 0; public final static int BAD_PARAMS = -2; /** Create a new null InfoDesc. @param d the eternal Debug object. */ public InfoDesc(Debug d) { nodeDesc = null; linkDescs = new Vector(); debug = d; } /** Create an InfoDesc from a specific nodeDesc. @param node A node description: either classID, FullID, or Function. @param d the eternal Debug object. */ public InfoDesc(Object node, Debug d) { if ( setNodeDesc(node) != OK ) nodeDesc = null; linkDescs = new Vector(); debug = d; } /** Create an InfoDesc from a specific nodeDesc. @param node A node description: either ClassID, FullID, or Function. @param d the eternal Debug object. */ public InfoDesc(Object node, Vector links, Debug d) { if ( setNodeDesc(node) != OK ) nodeDesc = null; linkDescs = new Vector(); if ( links == null ) { debug.dumpTrace("InfoDesc [constructor 3]: null links vector."); } else { Enumeration e = links.elements(); while ( e.hasMoreElements() ) { addLinkDesc( e.nextElement() ); // Ignore failures. } } debug = d; } /** Either the nodeDesc or the linkDescs (or both) must be valid, although either can also be null (but not both!). */ public boolean isValid() { return( (nodeDesc != null) || (linkDescs.size() > 0) ); } /** Set the node description part. @param node A node description: either ClassID, FullID, or Function. */ public int setNodeDesc(Object node) { if ( node instanceof ClassID ) { nodeDesc = node; return( OK ); } else if ( node instanceof FullID ) { nodeDesc = node; return( OK ); } else if ( node instanceof String ) { nodeDesc = node; return( OK ); } else if ( node instanceof rpc_function ) //**DEVEL: Someday { // consider creating nodeDesc = node; // a more general function return( OK ); // type. Also consider } // using java.lang.Method. else { debug.dumpTrace("InfoDesc.setNodeDesc(): cannot handle object " + node.toString() + ": only ClassIDs, FullIDs or Functions currently accepted."); return( BAD_PARAMS ); } } /** Get the node description part. */ public Object getNodeDesc() { return( nodeDesc ); } /** Add another link description to the set of links. @param link A link description: currently, only LinkDesc allowed. */ public int addLinkDesc(Object ld) { if ( ld instanceof LinkDesc ) { linkDescs.addElement(ld); return( OK ); } else { debug.dumpTrace("InfoDesc.addLinkDesc(): cannot handle object " + ld.toString() + ": only LinkDescs currently accepted."); return( BAD_PARAMS ); } } public int numLinkDescs() { return( linkDescs.size() ); } /** Return an enumeration through the link description set. */ public Enumeration enumLinkDescs() { return( linkDescs.elements() ); } }