Class Debug


public class Debug
extends java.lang.Object

Class name: Debug

Class description: As the name said, this class is purely for the convienece of debugging a big system, user don't need to recompile the system to change the debug configuration (where to print out message, where not), user even don't need to rerun the system.

Author: Jianxin Zhao

Finished time: June 2, 1998

Known bugs: none

Platform: jdk1.1.5 under UNIX

Time: June 22, 1998

Modified by: Jianxin Zhao

Description: add a new method -- getTraceFile() which will return the current trace file name, this will make this class easier to use (more flexible).

Field Summary
 PerformanceMeasurement pm
          this object will be used to measure the performance of a system, add it here will result in smallest change in the system
Constructor Summary
Debug(java.lang.String debug_filename, java.lang.String trace_filename, boolean append)
          This constructor will create a Debug object based on the information in the specified file, also the stream for trace is set to according to the trace file name and append mode
Method Summary
 void dumpTrace(java.lang.String data)
          this method will dump the data to the current trace file
 java.lang.String getTraceFile()
          this method will return the current trace file name
 boolean GetValue(java.lang.String name)
          This method will return the value of the specified name, if there is no such name in the object false will be returned
 void setTraceFile(java.lang.String trace_filename, boolean append)
          this method may change the trace file name, if append is true the new trace file will be appended instead of rewrite
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public PerformanceMeasurement pm
this object will be used to measure the performance of a system, add it here will result in smallest change in the system
Constructor Detail


public Debug(java.lang.String debug_filename,
             java.lang.String trace_filename,
             boolean append)
This constructor will create a Debug object based on the information in the specified file, also the stream for trace is set to according to the trace file name and append mode
Method Detail


public void setTraceFile(java.lang.String trace_filename,
                         boolean append)
this method may change the trace file name, if append is true the new trace file will be appended instead of rewrite


public java.lang.String getTraceFile()
this method will return the current trace file name


public void dumpTrace(java.lang.String data)
this method will dump the data to the current trace file


public boolean GetValue(java.lang.String name)
This method will return the value of the specified name, if there is no such name in the object false will be returned