Interface DigInfObj

All Known Subinterfaces:
AnalyzableDigInfObj, Document, PresentableDigInfObj

public abstract interface DigInfObj
extends java.lang.Cloneable

A Digital Information Object is a digital object whose primary function is to carry information (generally although not necessarily to a human being. DIOs occupy the place of Streams in the 5S model, and of text documents in a classical information retrieval system.

DigInfObjs do not need to be made up of text. We require them, however, to be able to produce a short piece of text that will serve as a surrogate or short description, for instance in a list of search results or as the label on an image. Since that text also has a context, it can be produced in a variety of markups, selected by a flag in the presentShort() method.

Field Summary
static int ANSEL
static int ASCII
          these are the possible markup types
static int HTML
static int SGML
static int XML
Method Summary
 DigInfObj copy()
 boolean isValid()
 java.lang.String presentShort(int markupType)

Field Detail


public static final int ASCII
these are the possible markup types


public static final int ANSEL


public static final int HTML


public static final int SGML


public static final int XML
Method Detail


public boolean isValid()


public java.lang.String presentShort(int markupType)


public DigInfObj copy()