
parc_sri_interns.png Internship at Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)
- Seungwon Yang -

In the summer of 2012, I interned at PARC, which is located at the Silicon Valley area in California. It was both fun and learning experiences for me to work with researchers in the field. My background knowledge was useful for the project that I was involved in. I learned the new things, too. We, interns, became friends, and this friendship and occasional social gatherings allowed us to know about each other's research area.

PARC developed innovative technologies such as Ethernet, laser printing, PostScript, GUI, etc. and still emphasizes the importance of innovation. Attending the talks of experts from different fields, who were invited to PARC, was also a great part of my internship. I would recommend everyone to do the summer internship. The social connections and experiences during the time will work positively for your future career. Go for it!

"Hi, my name is Nabhan. I was born on July 21st, 2012. My parents are Monika and Shahriar. My dad graduated from VT and is now a faculty at Virginia State University. My mom is working towards her PhD. I am a hokie just like my parents. We currently live in the greater Richmond area. Visit us if you are near Richmond!"

Digital Library Research Laboratory, 2030 Torgersen Hall

Virginia Tech (CS & IT) – November 2010 Overview

Director: Edward A. Fox,,, 540-231-5113

Faculty and Staff (Selected Collaborating): A. Lynn Abbott (ECE), Steve Edwards (CS), Weiguo (“Patrick”) Fan (ACIS), Michael Hsiao (ECE), Andrea Kavanaugh (CS), Kathleen Meehan (ECE), Randall Murch (VT NCR), Christopher North (CS), Naren Ramakrishnan (CS), Steve Sheetz (ACIS), Donald Shoemaker (Sociology), Eric Smith (Statistics)

Students Presenting: Monika Akbar, Yinlin Chen, Venkat Srinivasan, Seungwon Yang

Websites of Selected Projects:
5S (Societies, Scenarios, Spaces, Streams, Structures)
Crisis, Tragedy, and Recovery Network
Digital Library Curriculum
Digital Preservation and Second Life
Fingerprint Sufficiency and Training
Living In The Knowledge Society (LIKES)
Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations
NSF NSDL Pathway for Computing Education, Ensemble
Superimposed Information

DLRL alum Dr. Wensi Xi determined to be center of SIGIR universe!

August 22, 2007: The SIGIR (Special Interest Group in Information Retrieval) conference, the preeminent conference in information retrieval, announced today that Wensi Xi, who earned his PhD in the Digital Library Research Lab in 2006, is the center of the SIGIR universe.

To determine this, they analysed all SIGIR proceedings and built a social network in which SIGIR authors are the nodes and edges are added between nodes if two authors co-authored a SIGIR paper together. The author that is most central in the network is the one that has the shortest average distance to all other authors, where the distance is 1 if two authors wrote a SIGIR paper together, it is 2 if the first author wrote a paper with someone who wrote a paper with the second author, etc. Dr. Xi's wide career experience (he worked at Microsoft, and now works for Google), plus his large number of academic co-authors, no doubt contributed to his "win".

The trophy can be viewed here.

Prestigious Grants from CNPq Awarded to Two DLRL Alumni

December 20, 2006. Two DLRL alumni recently received career grants from CNPq, Brazil. Marcos André Gonçalves finished his PhD with us, as follows:

Nov. 2004, PhD dissertation, Marcos André Gonçalves,
"Streams, Structures, Spaces,Scenarios, and Societies (5S): A Formal Digital Library Framework and Its Applications",

While here, Dr. Gonçalves had a CNPq fellowship, then an AOL fellowship. He won the Virginia Tech computer science research award for doctoral students. He was selected in a national competition for a tenure track position at one of the best universities in Brazil, UFMG. He has been awarded several grants since then.

The other alumni is Ricardo da Silva Torres. Dr. Torres was a visiting scholar at the DLRL for the last year of his doctoral work, and then returned to Brazil to defend. He now has a tenure track faculty position at UNICAMP, a prestigious Brazilian university. Dr. Torres continues to collaborate with the DLRL, and he visits periodically in that regard.

Location: 2030 Torgersen Hall,   Blacksburg, VA 24061-0368 USA