Products, Systems, and Initiatives
NDLTD and related work on ETD support
Social Interactome
IDEAL and precursors CTRnet and DL-VT-416
Hadoop cluster in research and teaching
Ensemble, and precursors CITIDEL, CSTC, and projects related to the NSDL
DL in a Box
5S, 5S-Suite (5SL, 5SGen, 5SGraph, 5SEval)
Computing in Context (active learning of computational linguistics) and earlier work on Living In the KnowlEdge Society (LIKES)
DL curriculum resources
Concept mapping to aid learning (using IHMC software)
Second Life support of digital preservation and earlier studies with virtual reality
Superimposed Information (annotation, fish identifcation)
OAD: digital library support for Physics
International collaboration: Brazil, Germany, Mexico
Regional collaboration: AmericanSouth
Text classification: SVM, NB, GP, etc.
Memex (personal capture with SenseCam to aid the elderly)
Stepping Stones and Pathways
Open Archive Initiative tool support, Open Digital Libraries
CS@VT Education Infrastructure and tools like QUIZIT
Web Characterization Repository
MARIAN: including Java MARIAN
CED Lexicon
PetaPlex: early cluster-based cloud computing, storage utilities
Virginia Discs 1, 2, 3
TREC: integrating information, building GOV collection